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FRIDAY DAY (Rehearsals): HOTAI Uniform (Red and Black)

FRIDAY NIGHT (Ven, Manifiestate) :CAMOUFLAUGE Tunic or Skirt with Black Pants

SATURDAY DAY :Event T-shirt with black pants (Contact Nelly for this)

SATURDAY NIGHT (Maranatha/Flashmob) :ACTIVATION MATRIX Garment with Gold Semi Short Pants (Man Tunic with black pants)

If you are NOT a local student and you want to participate of Praise and worship you must get both night outfits.

If you are ONLY part of the flashmob please purchase T-shirt directly at :




Thank you for blessing us with your purchase!
As a family business, we appreciate you! With each item, you purchase you are getting a handmade quality piece made with love for you to worship our King.  The profit we make from your purchases, helps us cover production, marketing, lease, utilities, taxes, and many expenses any online and local business requires. With each purchase, you are helping the doors of our local business stay open! THANK YOU!Please be aware of your investment and be sure to purchase our original designs with the name tag ‘Royalty Designs by Delki Rosso’.   Thank you again for allowing us to serve you for blessings us with your purchase.  Delki Rosso - School Director & Designer